I'm Ario Kian

Hardware Security Researcher

Reconfigurable System Researcher.

FPGA Developer.

Embedded System Designer.


Tehran, Iran.

Resume & CV

About Me

Know Me More

I'm Ario Kian, FPGA based Embedded System Researcher and Side-Channel Analyzer

Experienced FPGA Developer with great skills in modeling and implementing DSP and Secure applications in VHDL with a considerable background in developing Systems with the ability of Dynamic Partial Reconfigurations using Xilinx Zynq MPSoC Devices.

Graduated from Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering in Master's Degree, member of the Integrated Circuits Automated Design Lab, with research background in designing secure dynamically reconfigurable systems against Side-Channel Analysis Attacks with 1 published paper in CADs 2020 Conference.

In general, i'm a curious person about anything related to modeling, designing and implementing systems based on FPGA and Zynq Devices and also eager to research in fields of Reconfigurable Systems, Side-Channel Analysis and Digital Signal Processing.

I also have background and work experience in other specific domains such as:

  • Embedded System Design using Arduino and STM32 based platforms
  • PCB Design using Altium Designer tool up to 4 layers
  • Web application development using Angular and NodeJS and Sqlite3

Download CV

Fields of Interest

What I'm willing to Do?





2016 - 2019

Master of Science (MSc) Degree

Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Computer Engineering (Computer Systems Architecture)

  • GPA(Total): 3.4/4

  • Research Area:
    “Hardware Security Analysis of Reconfigurable Systems”

  • Thesis:
    “Security Improvement of FPGA-based Design Against Side-Channel Analysis Attacks using Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration”

2011 - 2015

Bachelor of Science (BSc) Degree

Guilan University

Computer Engineering (Hardware Engineering)

  • GPA(Last two years): 3.1/4

TA Experiance


Spring 2019

Embedded System Design Modeling and Methodology

Master Degree Course
Shahid Beheshti University
Lecturer: Dr.Seyed-Hosein Attarzadeh-Niaki

Spring 2018

Computer Architecture Lab

Bachelor Degree Course
Shahid Beheshti University
Lecturer: Dr.Zohre Beiki

Fall 2017

Computer Architecture Lab

Bachelor Degree Course
Shahid Beheshti University
Lecturer: Dr.Zohre Beiki

Spring 2017

Digital Circuit, Logic and Design

Bachelor Degree Course
Shahid Beheshti University
Lecturer: Dr.Ali Jahanian

Fall 2016

Digital Circuit, Logic and Design

Bachelor Degree Course
Shahid Beheshti University
Lecturer: Dr.Ali Jahanian

Online Courses



Digital Signal Processing (DSP) From Ground Up™ with MATLAB

Practical DSP with Matlab : FFT, Filter Design, Convolution, IIR, FIR, Hamming Window, Linear Systems, ECG processing

Lecturer: Israel Gbati
Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/matlab_dsp/
course progress:65%


FPGA computing systems: Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration

University: Politecnico Di Milano

Lecturer: Marco Domenico Santambrogio
Link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/copy-of-fpga-intro?
course progress:60%



19-20 Aug 2020

20th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and Digital Systems (CADS)

Protecting the FPGA IPs against Higher-order Side Channel Attacks using Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration

Ario Kian, Hamed Hosseintalaee, Ali Jahanian

Link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9211862

Sep 2022

In Preparation

Analytical Review on the Side-Channel Security Aspects of Partial Reconfigurable Systems

Ali Jahanian, Milad Salimian, Ario Kian

Work Experience


Oct 2020 - Present

Embedded Developer/Altium PCB Designer

SEA (Speed Energy Aryanic) . Part-time

Current Projects:

  • Development of a minimal Web Server using NodeJS providing a Web Interface to Capture, Log and Monitor Information Received from Embedded Devices through Serial Port
Previous Projects:
  • PCB Design for Battery State Monitoring Devices.
  • Development of a Control Unit for a Step Based Stabilizer.
  • Development of a Control Unit for an Automatic Transfer Switch(ATS).

Mar 2020 - Sep 2020

FPGA Interface Developer

Mana Pardaz Control · Full-time


  • Implemention of UART Serial Interface in HDL for Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA.
  • Extraction of Xilinx FPGAs DNA Code and Use it for preventing the cloned design to be executed on another Device.
  • Area based Optimizion of HDL Projects using Specific Embedded Resources in Xilinx FPGAs such as BRAMs, DSP blocks, ...
  • Sampling of data passing through Data and Control Bus from a custom processing platform using Chipscope environment

May 2017 - Mar 2020

Emedded System Developer and Researcer

Nano Afzar Tarashe . Part-time


  • ِResearch on SNMP based Monitoring and Controling Devices Specific for Uninterruptible Power Supllies(UPS).
  • ِTest and Analyze the Claimed Specifications and Parameters of UPS devices from Different Vendors

Honors & Awards

  • Dec 5th-6th 2018

    5th National Digital System Design Contest of Iran

    ASIC Design

    Ranking: Third Place

    Contest Topic:
    Design and implementation of a Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS)

My Skills

  • Programming and HDL Languages










  • Processing Devices and Platforms


    Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)

    Zynq APSoCs

    Rasperry Pi


    STM32 Microcontrollers

  • IDEs and Tools


    Xilinx Vivado Design Suite

    Xilinx ISE Design Suite



    Altium Designer

    Eclipse IDE

    Keil UVision 5

    Visual Studio Code


My Work




Get in Touch


4th Floor, Plot No.8,
16'th Avenue, Yousefabad Avenue.
Tehran, Iran

(+98) 919 8035391


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